In this article we are going to hack the google logo with a pubg image.This is a beginners guide for hacking google logo.
How will hack google logo:
STEP 1 :: Open your browser and google
The first step to hack the google logo you have want to open the browser and open search engine.
STEP 2 :: Find the google logo tag name and id in the browser.
To find the tag name and id name::
1, Right click on the browser and select inspect option or
ctrl + shift + i
2, Then press ctrl + shift + c and click on the google logo icon. Note the tag name and id name.(eg:img#hplogo)
STEP 3:: Select the console in the inspect.
Then type::
>var logo.document.queryselector("img#hplogo");press enter
>logo.setAttribute("src","");press enter
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Now your logo will change